Friday, January 23, 2009

Mason's Wish Trip

Hello everyone! I must first start by apologizing for this blog entry taking so long to post. We tried several times from the Bahamas but the communication was very poor there and every time we would just about get the pictures on, the internet would shut down! Once returning home life got hectic again and took me a while to get things organized.
We had a fabulous time!! It was the a very special experience for all of us, one we will never forget!!! It was the first holiday we have taken together as a family, and so needed! We had great weather and so much fun. Mason's wish came true on our second day when he got to swim with a 27 yr old dolphin named Cherri, we all got to swim with her. She was a rescued dolphin from the ocean and she had bite marks to prove it. What an amazing moment to witness, it was really the big award after a long battle, the "prize at the end of the race"!!!
On our 4th day we took in the water park and aquariums. We saw SO many sea creatures including sharks (all types) and manta rays. Mason and Kale did every slide that was there including the straight down one on a huge pyramid that ended by going through the shark tank! (see picture) Their mother didn't do that one!!!
Our whole trip was full of awesome memories, hard to leave and come home to our cold winter. If anyone would have said we could stay we all would have!
Since returning home we have been busy. I have returned to work part time but worked the first week back everyday to get the swing of things again. So far, so good. Mason started physio as well which we have been waiting for, and is wearing a new brace too. We had to special order it up from the states. It is made from neoprene, so it's gentle but can also hold form good. He has also been busy with flying fins twice a week as well as drum lessons and starts fencing classes in February.
We hope all is well, and wish you good health and happiness this new year. Enjoy the photos!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Wow, day 4 already! Time sure flies when your having fun. So far we have had the time of our lives. First night here we spent the evening ringing in the new year in style. We were all very happy to see a new year begin, and what a way to start it off. We have enjoyed the ocean and sandy beach tremendously. We have taken in some site seeing and shopping, lots of eating, and we must say the food amazing! No sense being on a diet here!!! Yesterday we got to see Mason's wish come true and what an experience that was, one none of us will ever forget. Anyway, were off for supper, sorry this isn't longer as we are having trouble with the communications down here, everything very slow.Happy new year to you all, Love The Clewis Family