Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Love of our Family & Friends!

We would like to say thank you for all the support and love we received on Mason's Angelversary.  Once again or family and friends were called upon and they delivered!  There was 40 people at the graveside service and more joined us at our home afterwards.  We cannot begin to express how much it touched our hearts and gave us strength to get through the day.  Mason would have been so touched by the love that was shown and the memories that were shared.  Those wonderful memories that were shared at the graveside warmed our hearts and are now treasured keepsakes we will cherish always.  The effort that went into them was amazing and we are very grateful for all the time and hard work.  Also for all the beautiful rocks that were brought and placed into the Mason Jars, it was so touching and trust me when I say that Mason is smiling and checking them all out!  His love of rocks was something else to say the least!  We are still finding rocks in the truck!!!  Every family outing to the lake or Alberta, our walks on the "Beaver Trail",  Mason would without a doubt  fill his pockets with rocks and most times pile them in the door of the truck.  Sometimes we would remind him to take them in and add them to his collection, but other times he would leave them in there until the rattling got so annoying we would empty it ourselves.  Now that rattling brings a smile to our face and a tear to our eye!  The rock symbolizes such an amazing part of Mason.  His love of nature, his strength, his courage, his ability to see the beauty in all things, and now for us a symbol of how he was and continues to be our "Rock"!
I would like to share with you a piece from Mason's Memorial on the 16th that was lead by and put together by a beautiful and gifted lady, Della Ferguson:
"This circle of people is a very sacred circle....for you have journeyed with Mason through out his highest highs and his lowest lows....and it means the world to Jade, Justin and Kale that you would join them in this circle on this, Mason's Angelversary.  You have been rocks in their lives...a foundation that they could lean on when they found it hard to stand on their own.  And you were rocks in Mason's life. 
Mason loved collecting rocks...and YOU were the most precious rocks he ever collected.  You've laughed with him...and cried with him...some of you have played swords with him and some have played hockey with've communed with him over food...and you've communed with him over a've swam with him...ran with him...teased with him...and sat in silence with him...and every moment that you matter what you were doing...was precious.  You...WERE...ARE...and ALWAYS WILL BE precious to Mason.  Jade invited you to bring rocks with your names on them today...and we do so to signify the relationship you held...and continue to hold.  As we place our rocks in the Mason jars...we do so as an act of love...and I pray you do so as a gesture signifying the continued bond that is rock-solid between you and Mason."
Thank you to all who took part in that day either by being with us in person or in thought.  Your love and support is such a gift and especially your memories of Mason. They are what keep him close and still very much a part of our lives.  THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
Also I would like to add that when I went to the graveside today I noticed quite a few more rocks from school friends and teachers. We are so touched and are truly humbled by the love that has been shown for our little boy!!!
All the beautiful rocks!!!
Mason's Graveside

Thursday, March 15, 2012

No Matter How Hard I Try to Keep it Away, March has Arrived!

March 10th
March!  A month that now marks the worst day of our lives.  A month filled with anxiety, anger and saddness.  It is so hard for me to believe that it is already apon us when most days I still feel like it was just yesterday.  The fact that I survived a day without Mason, let alone almost a year is very hard to comprehend.  If someone would have told me that this was going to happen I would have told them that I would not survive it! And the sad part is I did.  No matter how many times I truly felt like dieing or how many times I begged God to take me too, I was forced in some un-natural way to continue on.  I know for some of you that is hard to hear, as I also have Kale to think about.  But in my heart I could not bare the thought of my little boy being alone without one of us with him.  I mean that's the way it should be? It had been that way for us for the past 3.5 years.  Mason & I together in the hospital and in Calgary and Justin & Kale together at home.  Not that it was easy or right, but what part of any of this is right?  We did what we knew was the best thing, one parent with one child, never alone! Why should this be any different?
March used to be a happy month for us.  It marked birthdays for Kale and Justin, days that were filled with celebrating and having a good time with family and friends.  Everyday now is filled with "last year at this time" or " today was the last day Mason did this".  Justin's birthday is now shared with the day we had Mason's funeral service, it will never be just Justin's birthday again.  Kale's birthday now brings memories of sadness for him as he recalls Mason skyping him from the Dominican last year and saying how excited he was to get home for Kale's birthday! Saddness wondering why he gets to get older and his little brother doesn't?

March 15th
I am sitting here remembering last year at this time, a day I have thought of often through out this year, a day of horrible memories that lead to being forced to face my worst nightmare. The words I had been terrified of hearing since Mason was diagnosed were being said to me.  I will never get that memory out of my head.  No parent should ever have to endure that amount of pain, nor should any child have to leave this earth before their parents. 
In honour of Mason we are celebrating his life tomorrow by having a grave side memorial with our immediate family and close friends with a gathering at our house afterwards.  Mason loved a party, especially with all his family and friends so even though it will be a sad day, and a day to reflect we know he would want us to be surrounded by the people who love us, and especially him.
We thank you all for your love and support and for being at our side over the past year either in person or in thought.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Better Late than Never!

I have been putting this off for a long time.  Its not that I didn't want to, cause I truly did, I just didn't have the energy.  With the month of March fast approaching I feel it is now time.  First of all I apologize for not posting the news of Mason's passing on the blog as I realize that a lot of you followed this blog diligently for updates on his progress.  I know my dad sent out an email but not sure how many people it reached. 
My plan is to update this blog from the last entry.  I want to keep Mason's story going and very much alive.  In the future I'm hoping that this can be a tool to help others by offering any information I have or that we have tried but most importantly for sharing Mason's incredible journey of strength and courage and his never failing hope.

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Battle Continues

    My last communication to the entire “Friends and Family for Mason” was on December 3rd when we learned that Mason had a new tumour on his left knee. Mason had been complaining about a sore knee even as far back as last summer when he was still on chemo in Calgary. We believe that the tumour had been growing in spite of all the chemo and certainly while Mason was taking oral chemo after leaving Toronto.
    There has been much activity surrounding Mason’s treatment and Mason has taken all of these adjustments in stride and is doing really well. There have been a few ups and downs and scary times but we get through them and Mason stays strong.
    Jade and Mason and I met with a naturopathic doctor in Ann Arbor, Michigan on November 10th. The purpose of this trip was to purchase a “Rife” machine and get some training on its use as well as to have Mason assessed by the doctor. The “Rife” machine is an electric frequency generator that was invented in the 1920’s and has been used with varying degrees of success since then. The doctor in Michigan has been using a new generation of the machine and has been experiencing a 90% success rate on patients who have not undergone chemo first. Mason has been on this machine since it arrived on about November 20th. The regimen is 2 treatments per day lasting about 1-1/2 hrs. each plus it goes under his bed for 7 hrs. while he sleeps. 3 days of this and then 1 day off.
    A special 12 hour urine sample was mailed to the States and the results indicated high levels of mercury and lead and a couple of other heavy metals which are attributed to the chemo and the bone scans. Mason had 6 amalgam (mercury alloy) fillings removed in December and has been on an oral chelation medication in recent days. Chelation is the term used to describe the “flushing of heavy metal toxins” from the body.
    Mason is still seeing Dr. Bablad in Regina as well and has been prescribed quite a number of supplements. About 48 supplements per day right now, plus 2 eight ounce glasses of freshly prepared green organic vegetable juice. A couple of the supplement doses are combinations of a number of ingredients that have to be prepared daily.
    Mason has also spent a few days with Sister Theresa Feist in Lebret, Sk., just a short way from Fort Qu’Appelle. Sister Theresa has run a care home in Lebret for about 30 years and is trained in orthomolecular medicine. We had a special prayer meeting there on December 18th.
    We had a very good family Christmas. Mason had been asking for a puppy. Jade and Justin found a beagle puppy from a breeder near Saskatoon and Justin made the trip on December 23rd to pick him up. Uncle Jordan kept him until Christmas morning. What a wonderful suprise it was for Mason and Kale. Rocco, their twelve year old American Eskimo/Lhasa Apso cross was a little put out by this new frenetic ball of skin, but he has adjusted well and they will undoubtedly become inseperable.
    We continue to struggle to achieve an alkaline pH with Mason. From the sheer numbers of alternative treatments, which stress the importance of achieving an alkaline state, we are convinced that this has to be achieved as soon as possible.

Christmas 2010

    I know that I have promised to do a better job of keeping you all informed and I haven’t done that by any means. I don’t exactly know what has kept me from doing this writing. Much of it has to do with not knowing what to say and, no doubt, the stigma of turning to alternative treatments, but I feel badly about the amount of time that has transpired with little news. I can only say once again that I will try to improve.
    We know that we are not “out of the woods” yet. It is too soon to state with an absolute degree of certainty that this battle is being won. If faith were the only measure, then we would already know that we have won. There is simply no doubt.
    We continue to value your prayers and concern for Mason and expect to announce wonderful news in the very near future.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

One day at a time

Disney World - Feb. 2010
    Mason is doing really well by all visible accounts. He is full of energy and has recuperated from his dreadful surgery. He had a slight cough when he returned from Toronto but that has cleared up. He is under the care of Dr. Jonathan Bablad, a naturopathic doctor in Regina:  Check out his webpage and see what you think. A special prayer for Dr. Bablad wouldn't hurt either.
    Mason is on quite an extensive daily protocol of supplements and a high nutrition diet. It takes some getting used to but Mason, like always, is such a happy trooper. He really is quite amazing. No one would know that a little over a month ago he had 40% of his left lung removed! Dr. Bablad is really pleased with the progress that Mason has made. Mason had a blocked pineal gland that has become completely unblocked in the last few weeks. This would normally take an adult six months or more to accomplish. Dr Bablad is also treating Mason for a virus which he says has been in Mason's system for a long time. In order for the cancer to be conquered this virus must be erradicated first and Mason is receiving virus fighters for this purpose. He is also receiving supplements which are intended to improve the functioning of his kidneys and liver.
    One of the difficult things about starting on naturopathic treatments is the absence of CT scans which we believe really do give a pretty good indication of tumor activity. Even though there are additional concerns about CT scans and the effects of the additional radiation, one can't help but want to see! Jade and Mason are presently in Calgary for a meeting with his doctors a CT scan which happened yesterday. The CT scan shows some small growth of the tumor in Mason's right side and the left side, where the surgery occured, is inconclusive.....probable scar tissue.
    There have been two previous teleconferences with the doctors from Calgary and Toronto. Yesterdays meeting also presented the Calgary doctors suggestions for further treatment......revised chemo, special radiation options, more surgery, etc. We don't understand why conventional medicine refuses to join forces with naturopathic medicine in the building of the immune system......we can't see how this approach would hurt and continue to learn that this approach is having more success than conventional medicine.
    A lady that we have been blessed to meet, Gai Robinson in Nipawin, Sask., 71yrs. old, diagnosed with terminal bone cancer in the right hip, three vertebrae and both lungs, in January of this year, refused any conventional treatment. With her husband, they did home-research and with nutrition and supplements alone, she is cancer free today...........and she feels great and goes to work everyday with her husband, renovating a home which they intend to sell!
    Another lady that we have also been blessed to meet, an RN, who had breast cancer 16 years ago, refused conventional treatment and did the "Gerson Clinic" in Mexico, obviously beating the cancer. She had a "relapse" not long ago and at the urging of a close friend, went to Saskatoon for a lumpectomy. As is so often the case, cancer cells were found to be still active, so she went back on the "Gerson Diet", at home, and is once again cancer free!
    Literally thousands of these stories are being told when you start to do the research. We don't understand why these stories don't get the attention that they deserve. Suzanne Somers new book "Knockout - Interviews With Doctors Who Are Curing Cancer" was a Godsend!
    One of the problems with digging into research of alternative/naturopathic treatments is "information overload" and we did that to spades! There's no such thing as absolutely knowing the right or the wrong ways. So, how does one choose????? I believe that this is where faith comes in and tells us to trust in our good instincts. Still, because we are so damned "human", all manner of doubts creep into our minds. So what's the answer to that???? My grandmother had a wonderful saying that is often repeated in our family............"We'll just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings". She was one of the calmest people I have ever known.
    So, we'll "stay the course" for now and try to keep you informed as this story unfolds.

Take good care, and we thank you for your continuing love and support.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Long Road Home - More Difficult Times

    Mason underwent the first of two scheduled surgeries in Toronto on September 13, just a day before his tenth birthday. This operation on his left lung, considered to be the trickier of the two, resulted in the surgeons having to remove a piece of Mason’s bronchia and 40% of his left lung. The previous recent blog entries were intended to speak only of the positives. We apologise for not having been able to keep you as informed as you may have liked. We also know that you will understand.
    We found out last week that the surgeons were unable to get all of the cancer, leaving microscopic cells in Mason’s windpipe or bronchia. The surgeon removed the whole tumor and some surrounding tissue but the pathology report showed that the tumor was not completely dead and showed evidence that some microscopic cells were left behind. The surgeon said that he can go back in and take the whole left upper lobe which would include some more of the bronchia but he could not guarantee that he would get it all because of it being invisible to the human eye. Only a pathology report would be able to say whether or not there was a clear, cancer free margin. The surgeons have also told Jade and Justin that they would still be willing to take the remaining tumor in Mason’s right lung if so desired. Having already lost so much of his left lung, Jade and Justin are concerned about the benefits of yet another operation on his right lung at this time. The Clewis family is coming home to think upon this and other options before making any further decisions. There is no need for panic. They have met with a naturopath doctor twice and a doctor of Chinese medicine since being discharged from the hospital and have started Mason on a strong nutritional diet and supplement regimen. This will build his immune system back up. The family is researching many methods of treatment and nothing has been ruled out. Jade and Justin will be consulting with the Calgary Children’s Hospital as soon as possible in order to obtain additional direction.
    Knowledge seems to be the key and there are thousands of success stories where natural or alternative treatments alone or in addition to conventional treatments have beaten cancer! The secret appears to be the immune system.
    As of right now, the Clewis family is on their way back to Saskatchewan. They will be home sometime on Thursday. It’s not easy preparing food, researching treatment and living out of a motor home for an extended period of time.
    No hope has been lost. More so, our new accumulated knowledge and our belief in a healthy and vivacious Mason is more powerful than ever! If any of you have seen, heard, lived through or otherwise come in contact with an alternative treatment cancer survivor, we would be very grateful for any feedback that you are willing to share. We have already talked with a number of survivors who are giving so willingly of their experiences.
    A very special thank you to all of you wonderful people who worked so hard to make Mason's Rib and Ceasar Night and Mason's Miracle Cabaret such absolute miracles. And much appreciation to the wonderful friends and family who attended the events. And for those of you who could not attend and those who are so far away, your wonderful support has been like a light, pouring warmth throughout our entire family. How does one convey the feelings that are in our hearts? We are simply overwhelmed with the love and support that has been given to us. We will celebrate Mason's recovery, not a twig of doubt resides, and we would be so happy to have you all with us then, as you have been for us now. God love you and keep you.
    We are also so grateful for your continued prayers and support at this time and as we move forward.

    The following pictures were taken last weekend at Niagara Falls. The family had the opportunity to share in the beauty and majesty that is Niagara, Jade was desperate for a hot bath in a real tub rather than the inconsistency of the shower in the motor home since leaving Moose Jaw!!
As I prepare to post this update I am so excited to learn that the family has made great progress since leaving Thunder Bay this morning and they are determined to sleep in their own beds once again tonight!!!!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Pictures tell a thousand words

Jade says: "Mason playing rock band today at Marnies Place, an awesome room for patients and their families to hang out. It has air hockey, pool, xbox, wii, computers, rock band on a huge flat screen, crafts and a state of the art kitchen!  It definetely peeked him up! We are going to go back tonight."