Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Hi everybody, it's Jade, Mason's mom. I asked my cousin Amanda the other day if it would be o.k. if I finished the last entries on the blog. Thank you Amanda for all the time and effort you put into keeping people as informed as you could, we truly appreciate it.
Mason has had a very busy summer with a couple set backs which has pushed his chemo into September, but am thrilled to inform you that we are officially at the hospital for his very last treatment!!! We are having trouble believing that it's actually here. He was so excited last night when we got here that he didn't fall asleep until 1am!! He will be walking out the front doors of this place on Friday afternoon, and what a celebration it will be ( a very emotional one!)
Since May, Mason has stayed strong but had an infection take place in his left wrist at the site of the surgery. It was hard to manage while on chemo, having no defences. We ended up having to go back to Edmonton a couple times, once for another surgery to clean the site out and stitch it up stronger. He has been on antibiotics ever since June and because of that contracted C-diff, a bacteria in the bowel that can be quite contagious for others but he was a silent carrier which made it not so bad on him, just meant different antibiotics and alot of yogurt. A couple of the chemo drugs were harder for him to get out of his body come July and August, which lead to lower blood counts, bad mouth sores, and high fevers which in turn delayed chemo as well. They say that can happen the more chemo you have, but his last two have been fantastic.
He had some exciting times in the summer as well. He got invited by the Chris Knox Foundation to have lunch with Wes Cates of the Saskatchewan Roughriders and attend the game sitting in Wes's seats that he so generously gave to Mason. It was a fantastic day! Mason and Kale also got invited to attend a press conference at the Legislative Building with Wes Cates, other roughriders and the Premier. They even got to go with the Premier to his office and then to top it all off they played some touch football out on the grass with them afterwards and am proud to say that both Mason and Kale scored a touchdown!! I will try later on to figure out how to attatch some photos on here so you can all see.
Mason celebrated his "8th" birthday on Sunday. We were hoping he'd be all done by then but we made the most of the day and the weather was sure beautiful.
In honour of his birthday, and in celebration of his "Victory" we are hosting a surprise party for him at our family cabin on the 27th of this month. We would like to extend that anyone who would like to is more than welcome to come out and celebrate with Mason, he has had such an amazing amount of support and prayer, and it would be nice to share this with all of you!
The party will begin at 6:30pm with Mason arriving by 7:00pm. Our cabin is located at Parkview(the road between Buffalo View and the Provincial Park, first left after the little white church) and we are the very last cabin on the main road in the south/east corner (the only cabin with a tipee in it's back yard!). We will have balloons up marking the way, and should anyone get lost you can phone the cabin at 692-5813. All we ask is that you byob, a lawnchair and some warm clothes!
I will put a final post up after his party, until then thank you all for your continued support and prayer for our son. We are truly blessed!!