Mason had to go back into the hospital early yesterday morning. He had been coughing some and woke up at 4:30 a.m. with a fever. He and his Mum arrived at the hospital at 5:30 a.m. There was some "gurgling" in his right lung. An X-ray revealed a touch of pneumonia. The X-ray also revealed that the tumors continue to shrink!!! What conflicting emotions! Jade was so afraid that some more terrible circumstance had presented itself that she broke down and cried with relief when the X-ray results came back. The oncologist had trouble understanding how she could be relieved upon hearing that her son had pneumonia. Doctors are wonderful people and we are so grateful for them. Still, they don't hold a candle to the beauty and importance of a loving mother!
Mason was put on antibiotics for the pneumonia and a blood transfusion for a low haemoglobin count. They were both very tired yesterday and hopefully got enough well needed rest.
This morning I received a text from Jade...."His fever stayed down all night and they said that he sounds better. His blood counts need to come up before we can leave. Mason couldn't sleep last night so we are very tired and need to get some sleep. Will call later."
This episode has been even more disappointing because we had been talking about the possibility of Jade and Mason flying home - even if only for a couple of days. They are getting quite homesick and this has been another long stretch. We are hopeful that they will still be able to come home for a couple of days. Mason is going to help his grandpa choose a new pet!

On another wonderful note - The Brentnell boys organized a headshaving event at Lindale school last Friday. Ethan Brentnell is 6 months younger than Mason and they have been very close friends for a number of years. Kael Brentnall is close to our Kales age and they too are very close. The Brentnells (mum, Alysha and dad, Chris) live at the same lake development as Kale and Masons grandpa and they have been such good friends to our whole family. Mason was able to watch the event with a web cam and the "Skype" internet site. The children at the school were able to see Mason on a screen set up in the school gymnasium. It was a really good event and we thank the Brentnells and the staff at Lindale school and all of the children and their parents who donated so generously of their time and money.