Sunday, August 29, 2010

Upcoming Fundraising Events

Mason's Rib and Ceasar Night

An evening of Great Food, Refreshments, Silent Auction and More

When : Saturday, September 11, 2010, 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Where : Champs Sports Bar, 82 Manitoba St.West in Moose Jaw

Ticket Cost : $15.00 per person

Contact :  FRAN @ 692-0992 for TICKETS and/or DONATIONS 

Tickets can also be purchased at the Door
Mason’s Miracle Cabaret Fundraiser

An evening filled with Dance, Refreshments, Food, Silent Auction and More.

When : Saturday, September 25, 2010 - 7:30 p.m.

Where : Cosmos Centre, 235 3rd Avenue NE in Moose Jaw

Ticket Cost : $15.00 per person

Contacts : for TICKETS and/or DONATIONS:

Alysha @ 691-0794/631-0490, Holly @ 694-6489/631-4603,

Jana @ 694-6266/690-7778, Kelly @ 694-1567/684-4008

All proceeds will go to support the Clewis family while Mason undergoes surgery in Toronto.

The Clewis Family would like to thank everyone for the generous  support and the continuing prayers and well wishes for Mason during this difficult time

Friday, August 20, 2010

Chemotherapy Round 6 and Plans for Toronto

    Mason completed another round of chemo on Monday, August 16th and was released from the Calgary Childrens Hospital on Tuesday. Once again, Mason did wonderfully.
    The family had an opportunity to visit Ghost Lake, west of Cochrane on Wednesday, and Calloway Park on Thursday, after Mason's bloodtests. Mason's blood levels have begun to rebound once again and the family is returning to Moose Jaw today!!!! We can hardly wait!!!
    The response to our "request for help" has been overwhelming and we are so grateful to our many friends and family members.
    The family have decided to rent a motor home for Jade and Justin and they will drive to Toronto, as due to the nature of the surgery, Mason will be unable to fly home. This way, the family can spend some more time together on the road, see more of our beautiful country, build some wonderful memories and Mason can travel in comfort.
    Mason is scheduled to be at the Hospital for Sick Children on Monday, September 6th and surgery is still tentatively scheduled for Thursday, September 9th - possibly Monday the 13th.
    The photos were taken at Buffalo Pound Lake in July.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

A Little Help From Our Friends

For some time now we have known that Mason will be undergoing surgery at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. We don’t know when Mason will be going to Toronto or how. We do know that Mason will not be able to fly after his surgery. We also know that this next step in “Mason’s Miracle” is going to be an expensive one. If any of our friends and family would consider helping out with this added expense we would be most grateful. I have included banking information below. Thank you so much for your help and continued thoughts and prayers.

For those wishing to make a donation, there are the following three options:

- If you are a Royal Bank member and are set up with online banking, you can choose to make a straight money transfer from your account to "Other Royal Bank Customer". You will need the following information in order to complete the transaction:

Branch # 05188
Account # 5081930
To Surname/Company Name: Clewis
To Given Name or First Initial: Jade

- If you do not have a Royal Bank account, but live in Moose Jaw, donations can be made at the Royal Bank in the Town & Country Mall as long as you have the account information listed above.

- For those wishing to make a donation by cheque, they can be sent to the following address:

Greg Lien
P.O. Box 783
Moose Jaw, SK.
S6H 4P5

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Off to Calgary... Again!

Despite the belief that the next stop for the Clewis family would be Toronto, they have once again made the journey back to Calgary for another round of chemo.  Call it a hospital blunder, or perhaps a communication breakdown, either way the Clewis' will be in Cowtown for the next couple of weeks.  I think we all know how difficult it can be when you're lead to believe one thing, only to have the proverbial rug pulled out from under your feet.  All in all though, these past three years have taught us that nothing is written in stone and surprises can happen in a matter of seconds... Keep up the positive attitude Mason!  I know I'm not alone when I tell you that "I know you will."  Seems as though Papa Greg has made a serious error in judgement by giving Uncle J creative control of the blog... for now!  You'll notice I changed the background.  Much love to Cousin Amanda for creating this wonderful form of expression for the Clewis family but them dots in the background were driving me crazy - lol!  After reading Mason's blog I would continue to see dots for a long time after.  So you can consider the change very self serving... I'm good with that, I have broad shoulders.  As always people, your thoughts and prayers are more than welcome... They're cherished!  I'll do what I can to update any info that comes my way, and once Gregger gets off his butt and sends me some pictures, I'll post them as well (Can you feel the love there? haha).  Love to all! Pictures are canoeing in Bowness Park in Calgary.