Friday, April 25, 2008

Back to Regina...

Mason was released from the Stollery late last week and got to enjoy a few nights at home in his own bed before returning to Regina for more chemo. I hear he is doing remarkably well, but was not pleased about going back to the hospital so soon after her got to come home. Unfortunately, they have to be in isolation in Regina because they have so recently been admitted at another hospital. I guess they want to contain any germs he may have picked up at the other hospital. Luckily for Mason, he has access to a Nintendo Wii, and has been keeping himself occupied with that. It looks like Mason has 16 or 17 weeks of chemo to go (from start to finish, not individual weeks), so he should be all done by the end of August. Just in time for a BIG birthday party for Mason’s 8th birthday!


Anonymous said...

Mason, we don't know each other but I have been following your progress and I would like to say BRAVO to you and your amazing family. You are a real trooper Mason and I am very sure your family and all of your friends are very proud of you, as I am. Keep up the good work and you will be fit as a fiddle in no time. God bless you all.

Lisa Ethier said...

Dear Mason,
How is your arm? Comment va ton bras? Mme said you saw her today. Mme nous a dit qu'elle t'as vu! She said you look awesome. Elle a dit que tu es en très bonne forme How is your family? Comment vas ta famille? I am starting to play soccer and I am swimming already. Je commence à jouer au soccer et j'ai déjà commmencé à nager. When do you get to start playing sports again? Quand est-ce que tu peut commencer à faire des sports encore? I am anxious to play with you. J'ai hâte de jouer avec toi encore. Your friend, Ton ami,
Josh Fitzparick

Lisa Ethier said...

Cher Mason,
Comment ça va? Est-ce que ta chirurgie s'est bien allée? J'ai très hâte de te voir à l'école. Tu manques beaucoup de choses très "cool", mais nous pouvons faire autres choses quand tu reviens. Je vais peut-être déménager d'école dans l'automne. Tu nous manques beaucoup. La classe n'est pas la même sans toi. Ton amie,
Harmony Brooks

Anonymous said...

Hey Mason!!!

I miss you! I wish I could have met you and your mom in Edmonton, maybe we could have had a quick air hockey re-match!How did your appointment go? What has been going on around Moose Jaw these days...have you been to see your class and teacher lately...It sure looks like they miss you!

Love you lots Mason, I hope to hang out with you real soon. Say hi to the Clewis clan for me, hugs all around!

xoxo Ash