Friday, April 23, 2010

2nd Chemo Voyage - Round 3

    Mason went back into the Calgary Childrens Hospital again today for another round of chemo. He started the treatment in the hospital clinic where he met a new friend. This friend is a 14 year old boy who was in receiving blood platelets. 14 years old and 6 feet 3 inches tall!!!! He and Mason played Wii for most of the afternoon. Mason will receive this treatment of chemo and then have another CT scan before a decision is made on the path forward.
    Justin and Kale left for Calgary after school this afternoon. Safe trip. Godspeed. And another wonderful reunion with your precious family.
    The picture: Kale holding his brand new brother Mason, the day he came home from the hospital.
    Many thanks to all of our friends and family for your continuing prayers and loving thoughts.

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