Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A week off at HOME !!! - Or NOT !!!!!

Mason and the whole family got to come home for a week!! They arrived home on Sunday, July 11th and will hopefully have an entire week at home. Mason was released from hospital, after round 5 of chemo, on June 27th. Justin and Kale arrived in Calgary on June 29th so the whole family have been spending time in Calgary since then going out to see some of the sights and parks in Calgary and checking into the hospital to monitor blood levels. The whole family received Calgary Stampeder Football game tickets from a special friend - more on that later - and had a great time at the game and visiting with some of the players after the game. The Brentnell family from Moose Jaw stopped in for a visit and they all had a good day at the Stampede and another day in Banff. Mason is waiting to have another CT scan together with a bone scan.
    The pictures are: 1. Mason working on his "Fencing" model which he made with plaster cast bandages.
                              2. Mason and his art teacher displaying the "Fencing" model and his Pink Pig with Purple Polka Dots!!
                              3. Making some great music with Marc, the resident music teacher.
                              4. Outside the Calgary Childrens Hospital on the teeter totter with his constant "friend" the I.V. cart!
                              5. Exercise - the "in hospital" way!!!!

Jade just got a phone call from Calgary which informed them that they have to return on Thursday for the CT and bone scan which has been scheduled for Friday. It is quite disappointing that they don't get to stay for the weekend. Two days of driving and only three days at home! Oh well, we're happy to have them home for whatever time allows and will send them back to Calgary with our love and good memories of the times that we have had.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the latest update Greg!

Glad that you all got a couple of days at home, and enjoyed sleeping in your own bed! Too bad that you had to take off so soon, but it is hopefully a sign that some decisions will be made and you will be one step closer to leaving this battle behind you.

Thinking of you as you go for your tests on Friday, please drive safe on Thursday!

Remember Mason, LOVE AND HOPE...

XOXO Ash and Derek

Lisa Ethier said...

Hi Mason! I hope everything went well after I saw you and your parents at Canadian Tire. Good luck in Toronto. We are thinking about you all the time and praying for you as well. Talk to you later.