Thursday, August 5, 2010

Off to Calgary... Again!

Despite the belief that the next stop for the Clewis family would be Toronto, they have once again made the journey back to Calgary for another round of chemo.  Call it a hospital blunder, or perhaps a communication breakdown, either way the Clewis' will be in Cowtown for the next couple of weeks.  I think we all know how difficult it can be when you're lead to believe one thing, only to have the proverbial rug pulled out from under your feet.  All in all though, these past three years have taught us that nothing is written in stone and surprises can happen in a matter of seconds... Keep up the positive attitude Mason!  I know I'm not alone when I tell you that "I know you will."  Seems as though Papa Greg has made a serious error in judgement by giving Uncle J creative control of the blog... for now!  You'll notice I changed the background.  Much love to Cousin Amanda for creating this wonderful form of expression for the Clewis family but them dots in the background were driving me crazy - lol!  After reading Mason's blog I would continue to see dots for a long time after.  So you can consider the change very self serving... I'm good with that, I have broad shoulders.  As always people, your thoughts and prayers are more than welcome... They're cherished!  I'll do what I can to update any info that comes my way, and once Gregger gets off his butt and sends me some pictures, I'll post them as well (Can you feel the love there? haha).  Love to all! Pictures are canoeing in Bowness Park in Calgary.


Unknown said...

Hey Jord...thanks for the update! Another curveball for the Clewis', huh...geez, what a life lately. I am sure that Mason is remaining as positive as always, this trip just brings them one step closer to wrapping up this journey.

Love the new background on the blog, it looks fantastic! Prayers and love to Mason and family...xoxo


Beverly-Ann & Ryerson Parker said...

I think of you guys often....Mason is in my and Ryersons prayers.