Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 2 after surgery

    Mason is doing really well and already sitting up in a chair as you can see. This picture was taken this evening after Mason was finally moved to his own room. His constant hospital companion "Lucky" is with him as always. Mason spent the first night in ICU and then was moved to an intermediate ward until this room opened up. Jade finally has some sort of bed to sleep on. She spent the last 2 nights in a rocking chair. Mason had a slight fever during the night last night but it has come down now. Justin and Kale spend their days at the hospital and return to the motorhome to sleep.
    Not much more to report right now. We thought that you would like to hear how things are going. Thanks once again for your continued support and your prayers.
    The following pictures are of the hospital from the fifth floor. The first one is inside the hospital looking down towards the main entrance. The second one is of the outside, also looking down toward the main entrance. Mason and Jade are in room 71, Unit 5B.

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