The battle has begun for our little Mason. He started Chemo on Friday night at 7:00pm, he is receiving 2 kinds of medicine at this time. But in total will be getting 6 different medications. He then had it again Saturday night at the same time (it having to be 24 hours apart) It is not painful for him while its happening. He has a central line in his chest that will remain there for up to a year. It is under his skin and it gets plugged into the intervenus (which chemo is administered). This prevents him from being poked and prodded everytime he has chemo. He also gets other medications through this as well such as antinausea, nutrients, antibiotics, etc. Both Friday and Saturday night Mason really struggled with being severely naseated. This seemed to subside later on in the afternoon almost time for it to start again unfortunately. Of coarse its never possible to get any sleep in the hospital anyways, but hopefully there nights will get better because as we all know sleep is half the battle in healing. Mason may possibly be able to go home tomorrow or Tuesday but he has to be eating and drinking and of coarse its so hard when you feeling sick.......so lets keep our fingers crossed. They are trying a few different meds. to help with the nausea but haven't found the right one yet, hopefully soon. Mason still tries to be tough and is fighting this every step of the way, he's amazing. Jade is holding up well but very exhausted and would give anything to have some good nights. When they go back for there next round, I believe they will do the chemo in the am, which will eliminate being up all night! Justin and Kale were at a hockey tournament in Saskatoon, which was difficult for them to be away from Mason, especially it just starting but as they say " the show must go on". On a good note, Kale's team brought home the gold.......for Mason, congrats Kale. They are all amazingly strong and are very grateful to have all of your support...thanks everyone!
Hey Mason hope you are feeling less nauseated today. Get well soon and our prayers are with you. I sure miss you in Phys.Ed.
Mason,Cool-Dude of grade two...
It's Zhané's Mom saying 'Hi'(~:
I'm wondering if you could help me w/a mystery??? Last year when I was sk8-tying Dorian ALWAYS had hamster-guts in his sk8s, but you never did. HOW do you keep the hamsters OUT of your sk8s???
Any good ideas???
Hey Mason,\
Hope you are getting lots of popsicles and ice cream. They are good for an upset tummy. William is thinking of you always and we are sending prayers your way. Lots of love.\
The Tipper Family
Hey Mason and family!
We think this blog is a great idea. We have been thinking of you all so much lately and wondering how you are doing. We are glad that there is now a way to know how things are going. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. Hang in there, Mason! We know that you're a fighter! Lots of Luv
Michelle, Steve, Carter, Kylee and Stefan
Hey Mason - it was great talking to you today. Glad to hear you were feeling a bit better. Try hard to eat and drink well so you can come home for a bit. We miss you lots.
The Stefanovics - Ryan, Matt, Michael, Deb and Zeljko
Victoria says I hope that you are able to eat and drink today so that you can come home. We are starting cursive writing in school - it's fun and I wish you were here with us. Miss you.
Bonjour Mason,
Its Mikhaela Mealing's mom, I just wanted to tell you that we are praying for you. I am sure that your teachers and friends miss that special smile of yours. Your smile always made me smile. Keep on being strong!
Mme Mealing-Mercer
Hey Mason, Hope Lucky is taking good care of you (and of course your Mom). Be strong buddy. We love you very much. We will see you soon.
Uncle Rick, Aunty Bev and Darren
Hi Mason. It's Riley from your hockey team. Hope you get to come home soon. My whole family is thinking of you and hoping you feel better. I hope you can come to one of our hockey games. :)
Hi Mason, I hope you are going to feel better. I miss you and I want you to be the first to know that I am going to cut all my hair for cancer and donate it to make a wig for someone. I might have to get a fake hair wig but, I don't care. I hope you get better soon . From Victoria Becker.
Hi mason hope you feel better soon .I miss you soooooooooooooooooo much! I am going to have a gymnastics tournement in Regina. It will be on 10 february.So i hope i can see you then,the best prayers from the becker family.
I miss you Mason. It is sad without you. I hope you can come and play hockey again. I hope you get better soon. You are the best player on our team. Go, Mason. Go! I am cheering for you. From Dallin Taylor #17 Tim Horton's Novice B Red Wing's
Hello Mason,
How are you? We are fine but we miss you lots. We are anxious to see you again. We heard from Kale that you were home. We are glad for you. We are sending stuff home for you again today. We are going to make a few things for you to look at when you are in the hospital again. Keep smiling buddy, you make us smile. We think about you all the time and we are always proying that you feel ok.
Mme Ethier
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