Thursday, January 10, 2008

January 10, 2008 - Hickman Surgery

We will all be thinking of Mason and his family as he begins treatment today. Our thoughts and prayers are with Mason – he has been so brave.

Today Mason is scheduled for a hearing test at 10:30. Sometimes chemotherapy medicines can affect a child’s hearing. An audiogram or hearing test is carried out before and after a course of medicine. The hearing test is painless and doesn't take very long.

Mason’s surgery is scheduled for 2:00. Because blood tests are necessary during chemotherapy, a Hickman or Portacath line is needed. This small tube will be put into Mason’s chest so blood samples can be taken, and medicine and other fluids can be given easily. It can stay in place for a long period of time, and be removed once Mason’s treatment is complete.

The commencement of Mason’s chemo treatments will depend largely on how well he is doing following his surgery today. I will post again once I am able to talk to Jade and find out how things went today.

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