Friday, January 11, 2008

January 11, 2008 - Chemo Begins

I spoke with Jade late last night and it sounds as though Mason's surgery went well. He had been given morphine following the surgery and so remained a bit dopey for a while after. There was a big wait following the surgery before Jade and Justin could see Mason, and they eventually had to ask to have him brought to them. By the time I talked to Jade around 11:00pm, Mason was feeling a bit better and had been eating and drinking again. The surgery site where the Hickman was inserted was a bit sore if touched, but it sounded as though Mason wasn't suffering too much discomfort. Mason has been transferred from the General Hospital to the Pasqua where the Allan Blair Cancer Centre is.

Mason is now scheduled to begin his chemo treatments today, so I will touch base with Jade this evening to find out how he made out.

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