Saturday, May 1, 2010

Still in Calgary

    Mason was released from the Calgary Childrens Hospital on Wednesday, Apr. 28th after his third round of chemo this year. Mason was fantastic once again! He had a couple of "off" days but all in all, he lived up to his reputation for taking things in stride and maintaining such a positive and happy outlook. I spoke with him a few minutes ago on his Mums cel phone and he told me that he is feeling "GREAT"!!!! Mason, you are just amazing!!
    He and his Mum are being so well looked after in Calgary by Uncle Rick, Aunt Bev and Darren. Uncle Collin picked them up from the hospital when Mason was released and took them out to supper. Right now, Mason and his Mum are having supper with Uncle Jerry and Auntie Marilyn Cox (Nana Liens cousins) and Auntie Brenda, Ashley and Haley Slade are there also - down from Saskatoon. What would we do without such faithful family!!
    Mason is scheduled to have another CT scan on Monday. A decision will then be made about what will happen next.
    The pictures are a sampling of what Mason has been doing recently in Calgary.
    As always, your continuing thoughts and prayers are most welcome. Thank you.

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